Thursday, September 3, 2009

Salam Ramadhan

salam haii dah lm ak x update blog ak ni.. maklumlah org bizy hehehe... ari ni dah 14 ari pose.. yeah2 tggl 15 ari lg nk raye heheh.. bj raye ak blom tentu siap ke x huhuhu.. tp ak nk bli bj yg dah siap tuk bj spare. mne tau bj raye ak x siap bleh la ak pkai huhuhu.. ok dah ni ak nk cter plak yg st esk ak start mla keje. wah ak dah nk msk alam pekerjaan... b'debar gak.. emm k lah klo ak ad ms lg, ak akan report kat blog ak nie.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Unsur kejadian & Sifat ku!!!

Nurhi telah mengetahui "Unsur Kejadian dan Sifat"
Nurhi baru saja mengetahui hubungkait Unsur Kejadian dan Sifat dan dia adalah
Berunsur Api

1) Cintanya sentiasa hangat dan memberahikan.
2) Cergas, cepat dlm gerak geri dan tangkas menguruskan rumah tangga.
3) Penasihat yang baik.
4) Pandai dan cekap mengurus rumahtangga.
5) Pandai menghias diri agar kelihatan cantik selalu.
6) Berwaspada selalu.

Istilah nm ke huhu

N : ..pemberi ciuman yang bagus juga
U : ..disenangi oleh semua orang
R : ..seorang yang lucu
H : ..setia kepada yang satu
I : ..manis dan romatis
D : ..kekasih yang terbaik pernah dimiliki oleh siapapun
A : ..seorang yang gila-gila
Y : ..disukai oleh sesiapa saja
A : ..seorang yang gila-gila
H : ..setia kepada yang satu

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Pagi tadi dalam kul 9 pg, ms 2 on da way nk g kelas, motor pancit......... eeee geram nyer ak.. jauh jgk la ak b'jln ngan k.emi... nsb baik k.emi ad, klo ak sorg2 mmg ak menangis dah.. kebetulan lah kak tikah lalu.. bleh la mntk tlg dia cr bengkel motor. cr punya cari, satu kedai pon x bkk la.. geram btol ak... last2 ak call adk ak suh dia baiki. nsb baik dia dtg jgk walaupon ngah keje syukur lahhh... lepas dia bwk tayar motor ke bengkel, ak, k.emi and k.tikah p kelas... nsb baik cikgu x marah... motor ak suh adk ak bwk balik ke umh. ak blik ngan abah k.emi.. sekian hehehe

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

LALOLA - telenovela TV3

Lola & Facundo
Lalo, Lola & Facundo

This comedy is about a man named Ramiro "Lalo Padilla" (Juan Gil Navarro), who is the director of the media company High Five, editor of the famous magazine Don, and has many women around him. Romina (Marcela kloosterboer), who is in love with Lalo, decides to avenge his lack of commitment by hiring a witch, who has him undergo a spell and turns him into a very beautiful woman, as Romina wanted to make him feel so desperate like a woman who is being harassed.

Now, this man locked in a woman's body tries to pass himself off as someone else, because nobody will believe that he's suffered metamorphosis. So, she enters the company as Dolores "Lola Padilla" (Carla Peterson), cousin of Lalo, because Lalo "had to make an urgent trip to Germany because his father became ill", and therefore left her in his post.

From this start, very funny situations happen, in which Lalo begins to discover Grace (Muriel Santa Ana), her best friend, and all the things that make women different from men: using heels, wearing skirts, menstruation, and so on. Gradually, she notices some people who were with Lalo, including his best friend, Gaston (Rafael Ferro). Without realizing it, she starts to get closer to coworker Facundo (Luciano Castro) and falls in love.

Reina Reech joined this comedy as Carola, the wife of Mr. Aguirre, president of the editorial "High Five"-she is actually the owner of the company.

dlm cter nie ak sk watak Lola, Grace, Meli & Facundo... Best tau cter ye...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Sis

ni adlah pic ak with my sis.... dia lah yg teman ak ms konvo ari 2..... siap beli bunga tuk ak lg, thanx ek teman ak g konvo and bli bunga skali huhuhu..


ni bunga and skroll ak huhuhu

me and k.wAniE

ni gambar ak and aini (kwn ms zaman sekolah rendah dlu hgga skrg huhuh)

ak, k.lin and wanIE

za, ak and dayah b'posing dlm blik hotel hehehehe.. menyempat je ak ni..